Best Time of Day to Turkey Hunt


There are several variables to consider when determining the best time of day to turkey hunt. Weather conditions play a huge role, as do turkey signs and roosts. To make the process easier, follow the tips in this article to determine the best time to turkey hunt. You will want to be prepared for any kind of weather condition, from cloudy skies to rainy days. You should also be prepared to call the birds when they are in range.


The best time of the day to hunt turkeys is during the middle of the day. This is because the birds are most active during the day. However, you should avoid hunting at dawn or dusk because the birds become inactive later in the day. Turkeys should be found in open fields during the mid-day, so it is important to plan your hunt accordingly. Turkeys are not as vocal at night, so you should be vigilant during the day to spot gobblers.

It is important to know the behavior of different turkeys in different areas, and try to adjust your calls to attract them. While calling for turkeys can bring results, you should avoid spooking them. You should also avoid calling at first light, which is when they are most active. Try calling softly and aggressively, depending on the circumstances. If you’re up against a hen, try to sound more aggressively. This will let the gobbler know who is more interested in him and will make hens come closer to you.

Although you can still catch turkeys late in the day, you should avoid hunting at dusk. After the hens have been roosting, toms will search for companionship. Often they will let loose their gobbles to lure the hens. In this situation, you will have less competition for prime territory. A good tip for hunting during the mid-day hours is to use bright orange clothing and set up near a nest.

In the morning, gobblers spend most of their time in strut zones. The best time of day to hunt turkeys is between eight a.m. and noon. During this time, you can locate the gobblers that loaf in the cool shady spots. You can also cold call to draw their attention, especially if they are solo longbeards. But, you should remember that turkeys are not obligated to respond to your call, so try to sneak in silently before dawn.

A mid-day turkey hunt can be a thrilling experience. Gobblers during this time are not as aggressive as they are during the morning and early afternoon, and they may even stray away from you. This means that mid-day gobblers are most likely to be unaccompanied by their hens and are looking for love. A well-timed call can turn on a tom.

Early morning

Turkeys do not move much during the spring season, so a good early morning hunting spot is key. Listen for gobbles around sunrise and set up calls early in the morning. Tom turkeys will gobble a few times before settling for the night. After you’ve called the turkey, slip down about 25 yards and re-evaluate where you heard the gobble. Once you’ve found the spot, draw a solid line to the roost tree.

After dark, a late morning hunt can prove fruitless, as most hunters are in the woods before dawn. The best time to hunt is before 8 a.m., but it’s crucial to stay patient and avoid spooking the turkeys. The earlier you set up your Stump blind, the better the odds that you’ll be rewarded with a rooster.

Another tip for early morning turkey hunting is to use binoculars and a spotting scope to glass the area. Turkeys are a big bird and easy to spot even at a distance. To be successful, you’ll need to have a binocular or spotting scope with you to see the movements of the turkey. It’s crucial to know what species you’re looking for before you start hunting.

The best time of day for hunting depends on your location and the stage of the breeding season. If you are hunting in the early part of the season, it’s likely that fewer hens have laid eggs and bred. Early morning hunting is more likely to be fruitful than later in the season. If you are hunting in a large area, it may be best to set up your decoy spread at an area outside your hunting area.

Don’t try calling turkeys too early – turkeys won’t respond to your calls if the sky is pink! Instead, you’ll need to wait for them to gobble or come to your calls. Then, wait a few minutes and try again the next morning. And don’t forget to practice calling turkeys until you’re familiar with the territory. That will increase your chance of success.

Weather conditions

The ideal time to hunt turkey depends on the weather conditions. Turkeys don’t like windy conditions, and are more spooked by dripping woods. In hot weather, it’s best to set up your blind near a sheltered area. This way, you can get the best look at gobblers before the light gives them away. If you’re planning to hunt in thick woods or on a windy day, it’s a good idea to set up in an open area that is protected from the wind.

In rainy weather, turkeys will concentrate near open areas to avoid brush-busting through wet vegetation. In addition, soaked fields provide productive invertebrate grazing for turkeys. If you’re looking for turkeys, look for hen-and-jake decoy combos near logging roads and natural meadows. On hot days, turkeys will primarily congregate near water sources or shady mountainides.

Sleet, snow, and cold temperatures change the behavior of wild turkeys. In addition, turkeys’ feathers weigh down in heavy snow and reduce the heat they get from their bodies. The cold weather also inhibits their ability to call into decoy setups. When snow falls on the ground, gobblers will stay on the roost longer and will seek shelter in open stands of timber or under a tree.

Fog also slows down turkey behavior. Fog makes turkeys go quieter, while rainy conditions make them sit in their roosts longer. Similarly, fog can keep turkeys on the roost until it burns off. If you’re hunting turkey on a rainy day, try to set up near the roost until the fog clears up. Fog may prevent gobblers from moving, but they will still strut their head toward your call.

In summer, turkeys are most active during the early morning and late afternoon hours. They nest in densely forested areas and head back to their nests around sunset. To avoid scaring turkeys from their nests, you should stay out of their way when they’re trying to go to sleep. For the best chance of a successful hunt, turkeys must be in an area with ample shade.

Calling turkeys

While the early morning hours are the most productive for attracting turkeys, hens may not begin nesting until later in the season. If you are hunting at sunrise or sunset, you may want to wait until the latter part of the day to set up your calls. Gobblers usually gobble only a few times, so if they start going after you, it’s a good idea to move a few yards closer before calling.

The best time to call turkeys is early in the morning. Try to get a secluded spot near a tree. Turkeys don’t tend to be as vocal in the evening, so you should set up your blind near a tree, but not directly underneath it. Turkeys do not have a high vocal range at night, so keep your eyes peeled throughout the night to see if you can spot any of them.

The best time of day to call turkeys depends on the stage of the breeding season and where you live. The early part of the season is often a good time to hunt, since fewer hens have been bred and hatched. During early morning hours, turkeys are more likely to pass through natural funnels. And because they are more likely to move at sunrise and sunset, they’ll be more responsive to the call of a hunter.

As a general rule, the best time of the day to call turkeys is before sunrise. If you have a spot where the turkeys roost, you’ll be able to call turkeys during the day. If you’re calling at dawn, turkeys will be active at that time, but by mid-morning, they’ll be inactive. You should schedule your trip to the field before noon so you don’t have to worry about missing a chance of catching the gobblers.

If the weather is bad, try to set up your call during the rainy season. Rainy days will make turkeys less active, so you’ll want to find areas where turkeys have been known to frequent. In addition, if you’re hunting for wild turkeys, you’ll need to set up decoys so that they’re less visible to turkeys. A group of hens, for example, will attract gobblers.

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