Deer meat is best stored in the fridge for nine to twelve months. It will stay tender and flavorful for much longer if you age it properly. The ideal way to age deer meat is in a game locker or ice chest. The meat should be trimmed of fat before storing it in the refrigerator. If you do not have this option, you can freeze the deer meat in a freezer bag or ice chest.
Properly wrapped game meat will store in the fridge for 9-12 months
After you have finished cutting game meat, place it in a zip-top bag or vacuum-sealed package to ensure its freshness. This meat should be consumed within one year, though it may last longer if vacuum-sealed. Ensure the meat is stored at or below 0 degrees Fahrenheit, and store it in an air-tight container.
If you are going to freeze the meat, make sure it is well-wrapped. This will protect it from freezer burn and prevent it from developing any unpleasant flavors. Also, make sure that you wash your hands thoroughly before handling the meat and label each package with the date it was stored. This will save time and make your life a whole lot easier later on. You should also keep in mind that some meats may develop bacterial growth during storage, so you should keep this in mind.
Ageing deer meat is more tender and flavorful
In cold climates, ageing deer meat can be a good option. Depending on the type of deer, the skin on a deer carcass can be left on for several days. The carcass should be transported to a cooler the same day it is killed. Alternatively, the carcass can be stored in a garage or shed. Aged meat is often more flavorful and tender.
There are many ways to age deer meat, including hanging it on racks or putting it in a walk-in cooler. This process not only makes the meat tender and flavorful, but also removes the wild flavor. In general, a walk-in meat cooler or safe will be most effective in removing the gamey taste from deer meat. Moreover, the meat can be left in the cooler or safe for as long as it is not frozen before ageing.
Ageing deer meat in an ice chest is ideal
While you can age your deer meat immediately after it is killed, you may be tempted to wait a few days. This is an excellent option for several reasons. Aging the meat will make it tenderer and improve its flavor. Dry aging is the preferred method for this purpose. A clean walk-in cooler with proper temperature control and air circulation is essential. Age the meat anywhere from seven to twenty-one days. Just remember to avoid over-aging your meat since it can increase the risk of microbial growth and make the meat dry.
While open-air aging is the cheapest and easiest method, this method does not have the same benefits as aging meat in an ice chest. The only disadvantage of this method is that you cannot control the temperature and invite scavengers and insects. Use a game bag or cheese cloth to keep the meat dry. However, this method isn’t recommended for aging meat for an extended period.
Ageing deer meat in a game locker is ideal
There are a number of advantages of aging deer meat in a game locker before processing. It provides the best temperature control and circulation and can help the meat develop a mellow flavor. Aged meat will also have less of a gamey taste. However, the deer meat must be kept out of the freezer until the aging process is complete. Aged meat will not be as tender as deer meat that is kept in a cool room.
The best time to age venison is in the early part of the season, when it is still soft and tender. If you have a game locker nearby, you can age your deer meat in it for as long as three to five days. It is not necessary to freeze the venison, but a few days before butchering is fine. Alternatively, you can store the venison in a large, shallow cooler. Be sure to replace the ice every day.
Preserving deer meat
Ageing your deer meat is an excellent way to tenderize it and add more flavor. To preserve your meat, maintain temperatures between 33 and 40 degrees Fahrenheit, and a low humidity level. Warmth and moisture encourage growth of bacteria that spoil meat. Aged meat takes anywhere from two to fourteen days, depending on the age of the animal. Young deer, for example, need less age than an older deer. The age of the meat will also affect its flavor and scent.
You can begin aging your deer meat in the field, before you start processing. This helps the meat retain its tenderness and prevents it from drying out. Be sure to keep your deer carcass cool and away from the sun, and wash your knives often. Make sure to clean them in between cuts to avoid dragging bacteria into the meat. Place the deer on its back and elevate the front legs and spread the hind legs to provide extra support. You may also want to hang the deer carcass in a cooler for a few days or even a week before thawing.